Teenagers and Emotions...

Emotions like extreme happiness, anger, sorrow, fear are common among us teenagers. but the thing is that we express emotions a lot. "We may be the masters of our thoughts, but we are the slaves of our emotions". Let's see the science behind emotions. Four most important brain chemicals are serotoninendorphinsoxytocin and Dopamine. They have to actually secrete accordingly as per the situation. But I personally feel I get more of these than needed. I get too angry, too much happy, etc. etc...it happens. But the thing is that these emotions not just take control of the situation but also take over the entire life after that particular point. It's just like "one wrong move and that's it. Boom! mistake."

Man, I hate the part where I say something out of pure emotion and then I sit brooding like an idiot.

I still can't completely figure out why do my emotions take control of my speech too. 


Once, I had a fight with one of my friends over a small issue. It then escalated rapidly like a volcano. And I brainlessly shouted at them. They were obviously hurt and they didn't speak to me. at first, I was like, "acha theek hai fine, they themselves will talk to me someday. But I was wrong. they didn't talk to me till that point of time where I was so guilty, I messaged them. but you know what was the worst part? I couldn't even bring myself to say sorry. I was that ashamed of myself. 


Anger is one such thing which disrupts you on a whole. At that point in time, you can’t even think of what you would be saying. But trust me on this, the opposite person would be really hurt. There are some issues where nothing is your fault, yet you are blamed. This makes people very angry. They either show it outside or they control it and keep it as an inner emotion. But most of the time, showing out your anger on such issues gives out the opinion that you might have done something. Hence, it is better to keep your anger inside when there is no fault of yours. If you have something to say, say it in a very cool manner. Don’t lose your composure. Never. Coz, situations like these occur many times throughout our lives, especially in teenage. Just play it cool.  


Okay, how many of you had issues with your parents regarding digital gadgets like mobiles, laptops, TV, etc.? I think almost everyone. We have this issue almost every time. And we get so angry on that. I admit that I too have a lot of anger on this issue. Sometimes, I fire up like a volcano. Actually, it’s their concern that we get deviated from our career goals. That’s true. But I personally feel that I use social media for connecting with my friends, gaming, music, etc. but there is one dark area on our part. We use gadgets excessively. We don’t even fix a time limit for that. So, limit phone time and engross yourself in other things too, play board games, or maybe read comics, or write stories, blogs, etc. or you can indulge in helping your family members. There are many things apart from just mobiles or studies (yeah, I too agree on the fact that studies become boring after a particular time limit).


So yeah, it does take time for things. Even Rome was not built in a day. So, try to pacify yourself in crazy situations. Else, there will be a lifelong regret that clings on to you. And you just can’t do anything except sitting and brooding about things you’ve done or said in a fit of anger. This not only disrupts your mood but also torments you every day, every minute, every second. And trust me on that. It’s hell.


And after the anger part, you will be engulfed with sadness and a sense of guilt as to why you lost your cool. According to John Lennon, “One thing you can't hide - is when you're crippled inside”. And if at all you hold a grudge, or you know? Plan some revenge, etc. trust me when I say this, its completely pointless, immature and you will be degraded dude! So, before you say or do something, think. And if at all you hurt someone in a fit of anger, try to man up, apologize and ask for forgiveness. Or else, it will never patch-up and events will exactly turn out like the family feuds people show in films.


So, never do and then think. Think first and then say or do something. This will carry the situation forward smoothly. This teenage is a very confusing age, you get exposed to the world outside. You come out of your cocoon called schooling. You will turn to be more mature. You will face entirely new situations; this will lead to an assortment of emotions emerging out. And at times, it would lead to bad consequences.


Henceforth, try to meditate, at least for 5 to 10 minutes, if not, sit somewhere, think about what have you done, or maybe think about what will you do, what productive activity will you indulge in, etc. try to think deeply.

“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”Oscar Wilde.  

Remember, teenage is just a small part where you learn to mould yourself into an adult. I prefer to call it a transition period. Just like a caterpillar comes out from its cocoon as a young butterfly to roam the world, we are just the same. we may get a situation where our emotions come out and control the situation. but we must learn to take control of the emotions as well as the situation without having any losses or regret. 


Hope these words helped you, good reader. Stay safe and be happy :)



  1. super broo evry teen person will relate to it..

    1. Thanks a lot...πŸ€£πŸ˜…they sure will relate..this is nothing but an improvised form of my experiences...nothing else✌😁

  2. Replies
    1. I know, right?? And thanks a lottπŸ˜ƒπŸ₯°πŸ‘

  3. Very relatebale!!
    All the best πŸ‘ bro

  4. Really amazing πŸ‘Œ An eye opener to all the teens.... A must-read blog with a compelling message πŸ˜ƒ


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